
Posted on Feb 17, 2024

We live in a rapidly evolving world. Technology and science intersect with every aspect of our lives, leading to extremely personalized AI assistants to become interwoven in most of what we do (as the internet has). Shifting balances between returns to violence, the ability to tax individuals, and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrencies are about to change the geopolitical scene.

Bitcoin, the first thermodynamic currency, is both a battery for energy as well as the best intersubjective clock we currently have. Energy and time, though, are not the sole commodities our society requires to prosper. Knowledge is important as well. Science serves as a unifying element, revealing a ‘winner takes all’ dynamic prevalent in macro theories. Maxwell’s equations, for instance, are validated in every microscopic interaction with our electronic devices, underscoring the universality of scientific principles. However, the application of science to highly specific cases, is much more complicated. One example of this is Larry Page’s throat condition (an extremely rare disease with not enough cases to be studied efficiently) or the COVID-19 vaccines, whose efficiency varies greatly from individual to individual, illustrating the challenges of dealing with limited data points and the need for reproducibility on a local scale. The future of medicine is personalized, based on individual genetic profiles and locally-harvested databases for privacy-respecting research.

In the metagame of science, it’s very important to understand which methodologies are crucial across various fields. While inorganic chemistry and petrochemical processes have a unifying macro factor, biology’s complexity, due to gene expression variability, highlights the importance of local data collection and reproducibility. Similarly, in technology, the manufacturing of chips showcases scale economies, with efficiency measured by performance per watt—a critical factor in the ‘winner takes all’ technology landscape.

The intriguing aspect of Bitcoin’s proof of work lies in its thermodynamic truth, anchored in mathematics and the absence of shortcuts in its hashing mechanism. This creates a currency where each Bitcoin embodies a quantifiable amount of energy expended in its creation, introducing a fascinating layer to the decentralization debate, especially concerning energy extraction from renewable sources like solar and nuclear power.

I imagine a future where humanity transitions towards decentralized living, and where the importance of electrical energy becomes paramount. This vision extends to decentralized food production, housing, clothing, and local trade, underpinned by a shift towards decentralized information storage and exchange. Personal AI assistants shape intersubjective truths about our world, through constant data exchange and human oversight, leading to a future where technology and human values intersect to redefine societal norms.

With regards to geopolitics, the balance between violence and defense, both in cyberspace and the physical world, is about to be aggressively reshaped by technological advancements. My ideal of a future is a societal transformation that prioritizes understanding and collaboration over conflict, facilitated by technology but fundamentally driven by a shift in human values, incentives, and lifestyles. The solar punk vision of small, self-sufficient communities, independent in energy production and waste management, challenges traditional power structures and market dynamics. It suggests a future where the collective benefits of science and technology are realized on a global scale, yet applied locally to empower individuals and communities, creating a more interconnected, sustainable world.

Our future is not just about technological advancements but about reimagining how we live, interact, and govern ourselves in harmony with the planet. The path forward requires a delicate balance of innovation, personalization, and sustainability, driven by a collective pursuit of knowledge and a deep understanding of the intricate dance between energy, information, and life itself.